About Us

Learning Tree University is one of the premier places to study in the USA. Our international student population represents over 60 countries,

Learning Tree University sits on 76 acres at the highest point in Denver. The beautiful and historic campus has a rich history that began in the late 1800s when Mother Pancratia, of the Sisters of Loretto, had the vision to educate the women of the West.

Mark Odinson

Let Numbers Talk

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Our Vision
Learning Tree University will have a transformative impact on society through continual innovation in education, research, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
Our Mission
To educate determined individuals from around the globe, enrich their professional and personal lives, and impact society.
Industry Experts

Meet The Instructors

John Aston
Web Development Instructor
Erika Mina
Mobile Development Instructor
Amy Rose
Machine Learning Instructor
Adrian Cruz
Data Science Instructor